Tuesday, September 26 2017
Importance of High Intensity Interval Training When it comes to work out, there are several trends that seem to be popping out. However, not all of them are effective. When it comes to a super effective workout, you must consider High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is very beneficial in losing fat and not muscle. Besides it is an easier way to tone up and achieve fitness goals. Here’s why HIIT is important and necessary to make for a good workout routine: Less time, more results: High Intensity Interval training takes just a few minutes of your time while still providing you with the maximum benefits there is. Since the intensity of your workout is high, you can actually feel your body working its maximum in that interval, thus burning more calories. High Intensity Interval training can help you burn more calories in a shorter time compared to running on the treadmill for an hour. High Metabolism: With regular High Intensity Interval training you are more likely to improve your metabolism. Reports have shown that High Intensity Interval training can help in burning more calories for up to 24hrs after the workout. In that period, you are also more likely to burn additional calories faster. By increasing your metabolism, HIIT aids in faster and safer weight loss. Burn fat, not muscle: One of the major woes of individuals who work out regularly is their need to do cardio and how it contributes to muscle loss. Studies have shown that almost always, when you try to lose weight and build muscle at the same time, you are in for some kind of muscle loss. To put in simpler words, the “pump” that you feel after a workout diminishes rather quickly. But how else do you burn calories and train your muscle? The answer is High Intensity Interval training. HIIT can help you burn calories without causing muscle loss. Besides, it contributes majorly to fat loss without restricting you to just weight loss. Increases Endurance You don’t need any equipment to do your High Intensity Interval training. By timing each of your workout and finishing the variations in your HIIT schedule, you will come to understand the capacity of your body and how much endurance you have. Regular High Intensity Interval training helps you increase your stamina and your endurance. Through significantly increasing your strength, it gives you more power to focus on your muscle workout. High Intensity Interval training has an overall impact on your workout goals. Saturday, September 02 2017
Common Weight Loss Myths When it comes to fitness and weight loss, several opinions are offered that might confuse our minds. Some of these opinions are common myths which, if avoided, can help you better in your fitness journey. Here are some common weight loss myths that are busted: Core Problem: Myth- Working on your core can promote faster weight reduction Reality- Working on your core more often will develop muscles underneath the layer of fat. For better definition, one needs to focus on shedding fat too, so that the results from your core workouts are more visible. Low Calorie Diets: Myth- Consuming low calories mean lower fat retention in the body Reality- Eating your way through weight loss is neither effective nor advisable. Eliminating certain foods such as carbs, sugars or soda can be extremely beneficial. But you need to combine adequate workouts and strict diet plans to achieve good results. Similarly, consuming low calorie foods alone will lead to cravings, which completely destroy your goals. You can get a personalized diet plan depending on your weight, age etc. from a personal training studio in Jacksonville for faster, better and long lasting results. Weights vs Cardio: Myth- Cardio is for fat loss while weights are for muscle building. Reality- This myth is particularly popular among women because they often concentrate on not appearing too ‘muscular’. Cardio gives you a specific amount of calories that you have burned in a session whereas weights don’t. But weight loss can be achieved through both. Cardio eliminates unwanted fat from the body but still makes you appear soft. Muscle workout tones your body by giving definition and shape. In addition to that, it also increases your metabolism rate in such a way that you are burning more calories than usual even post your workout. Protein Overdose: Myth- Consuming more protein is ideal for workouts Reality- You must adhere to the suggested amount of protein in your diet plan. Consuming more than necessary will make you feel full or bloated. Make sure you drink plenty of water and green tea to break down protein during digestion. Gym Schedule: Myth- Exercising twice or thrice a week to maintain a healthy body Reality- A minimum of 5hrs per week is required to maintain a fit and toned body, not to mention, the gains you make at the gym. You need to discipline yourself to work out regularly and adequately while also getting enough rest. These are the best ways to lose weight healthily. |